Square Pegs Drama Group case study

Read this study to find out how Square Pegs Drama Group has made an impact

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Square Pegs is an inclusive Drama Group in Maidstone specifically aimed at young people with communication needs and learning disabilities. The group feels there is not enough support or funding for groups like Square Pegs to start up. This project helped them create a campaign to communicate their feelings to a panel of MPs, peers and staff members at Parliament at the beginning of February 2011.

Project aims and achievements

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  • The project aimed to celebrate collaboration between young disabled people in the South East with those from other countries as they work together, along with selected arts practitioners, to build campaigns around issues that affect them in their respective nations.
  • The project aims to develop creative campaigns on issues that are relevant to participants including campaigns about the environment and media.
  • “Working on the campaign gave us the chance to be creative as a team. This created even more trust between group members and we kearnt more about each other and our needs.” (Square Pegs member)

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“The project has broadened the young people’s aspirations and experience, allowed them to work with different people and learn a range of new skills”.

Beth James, Square Pegs drama teacher

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Outcomes and impact

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  • 20 young people from Square Pegs involved with 30 in the partner group Perspektiva, in Russia.
  • Campaign presented to 3 MPs and 1 baroness.
  • ITV Meridian have expressed interest in running a story on the project.
  • Produced a short music video which is now part of on-line legacy.

Next steps

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HeHelen Grant, MP for Maidstone, was so impressed by the group’s campaign at the Houses of Parliament that she has promised to visit Square Pegs for their  next production. ITV Meridian will cover this.

Personal experience

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“Being involved in the making of the film encouraged us all to make up ideas, have our say and to present our ideas and to help improve other people’s suggestions.”
“Rachel opened pathways working with us. She gave us a chance to do things differently.”
“Autistic children often get bullied and on this occasion Square Pegs showed that we’re not stupid, we have a voice and we are important....and that Square Pegs in general is a fantastic thing to be involved in.”

From anonymous participants.

“Ideas, concepts and content were generated by the group which empowered them and allowed them to develop their leadership skills, creative thinking and decision making skills”.
“Many good memories for all involved, from making the film, working on location, visiting parliament – everything will be lasting and valued memories”.

Beth James.

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Rachel Sears is an applied theatre practitioner and freelance worker. She has led this project and is always happy to answer any questions, queries or requests for further information.

Tel: 07779 165554

Email: campaign.rachel@gmail.com


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